The Parish Council receives notification of planning applications, appeals and enforcement cases affecting the neighbourhood and decides what recommendations to make. The local planning authority, Winchester City Council, must consider our point of view before coming to a decision. The Parish Council's recommendations accord with statutory local development plans (Local Plans Parts 1 and 2). The Parish Council also takes into account material considerations (issues in law that are relevant to a planning application, such as the local plan, planning history, accessibility, traffic, roads and parking, archaeology and design statements). Personal opinions are not relevant. The Parish Council has also contributed to the creation of Local Plans Part 1 and 2 and put together its own design statement, a supplementary planning document to which Winchester City Council must pay heed when making decisions, published in 2014.The parish benefits from the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy, as the Parish Council receives 15% of total receipts from local development to spend on local infrastructure.